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Les orages expliqués


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Learn how to collect and analyze meteorological data and anticipate the formation of dangerous phenomena for paragliding-paramotor: formation of storms, related phenomena such as lightning, hail and leprechauns.

The author takes stock of modern observation and forecasting technologies such as radars or satellites,

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The author gives details on the formation of thunderstorms from air masses. Although it is very difficult to predict when and where a thunderstorm may break out, it is possible to anticipate the arrival of a turbulent mass of air in the short term, taking into account certain elements collected in the atmosphere.

The new specialized radars make it possible to discover, before they arrive, clouds and dangers of all kinds that threaten the pilots. Equipment that is old-fashioned in some parts of the world also participates in observations and allows weather to be predicted by drawing maps and weather charts.

Through this book, you will learn to analyze and plot curves and soundings from balloons released into the atmosphere from the earth. You will discover the many phenomena that manifest themselves in the clouds and above. The author also discusses the phenomenon of the Farfadets that occur from the summit of Cumulonimbus to the upper atmosphere.