The news for the 2019 season

Published : 02/4/2019 08:59:49
Categories : The MosAiles Shop

The news for the 2019 season

New machines, new accessories for 2019 and always up to 20% off the packs!!!

New paramotors in 2019 :

Following the decision to stop the sale of the Miniplane brand paramotors and after a few months analysis of the market, MosAiles Shop has decided to work in close collaboration with the Adventure brand, led by a new young and dynamic team, whose models come radically to change and the last born (the Pluma Atom 80) is, today, the lightest paramotor on the market thanks to the advanced technologies that have been used.

As no exclusivity contract has been signed, MosAiles Shop obviously has the possibility to provide you with other brands and in particular the one that will seem to you the best.

Machine maintenance :

With 15 years of experience on the Top80 engine, MosAiles Shop will continue to maintain the machines on which it is mounted and will also provide maintenance on engines mounted on Adventure frames. 

The electric motor :

Even if it is more expensive than a combustion engine, the electric motor is an alternative that will be proposed to you in 2019.

 MosAiles News 2019

New accessories :

MosAiles Shop is always on the lookout for the best accessories destinated to paragliding and paramotoring pilots. Here are some recent examples on :

  • A new radio with reception of aircraft frequencies.
  • New helmets including the Rega2 Full Carbon (the TOP ULM pilot helmets).
  • New paragliders even lighter.

Take the time to visit the site  to discover all these novelties and the special rates you benefit from (degressive rate depending on profile).


Immediate discounts on your courses

By buying your equipment at MosAiles Shop you always benefit from the famous discounts on courses and first flights.

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log in with the login details you usually use to access the website or

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